Procrastination can be a difficult habit to break. Sometimes you just don’t want to do anything. You might feel tired, the tasks may seem unimportant, or maybe you don’t think you’ll get much done so you don’t even bother. But there are several ways to combat procrastination. Here are some methods to try to increase your motivation.
1. Plan Your Day
It’s easy enough to plan your day with most people having a smartphone, or you could always use a day planner or simple paper and pen. Plan your next day before you go to bed. What do you need to do? How much sleep do you need? Do you have to leave the house early in the morning for work? Should you make lunch?
There are a lot of questions you should ask yourself, but it doesn’t need to be that daunting. Think of what your day will naturally be like, and add in whatever you can to make the most out of your day. If you’re going to pass by the bank on the way to work and need some cash, take the opportunity to do it then.
2. Prioritize Your Tasks
It’s best to get the most important thing done first. For instance, if your car is due for an oil change, that is far more important than mowing the lawn. Start with the tasks that you can’t afford to ignore, and gradually ease into the other tasks, that, while not absolutely necessary, should still be done regardless.
Getting the big jobs done will take some weight off your shoulders, so the other tasks will seem easier.
3. Delegate and Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
If it’s a work task that needs doing, reach out to your coworkers and superiors for assistance if applicable. If it’s a house task, check what the rest of the family can do to ease the burden.
4. Do the Easiest Task You Have
If you have a lot of things to take care of, look at the easiest thing there is. Taking out the trash, cleaning the windows, doing simple, quick chores. Getting started with these can help put you in a mood to get other tasks done. But if even if it doesn’t, at least you’ve taken care of a few of the things that needed doing.
5. Change Your Environment
It might be that you keep getting distracted. With smartphones nowadays, it’s easy to pick it up and lose a lot of time in any given app. Consider silencing it and leaving it another room so you’re not tempted to check every so often.
6. Space Out Your Tasks
You likely don’t need to get everything on your list done in one single day. Spread them out over a few days or even a week if possible, and they will be much more manageable since you’ll have more time each day to get them done.
The most important thing is to try to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed.